I get tired of going out with my children to eat, shop or spend time in public because of the blatant lack of disrespect that many children show their parents. It is terrible to see children running acting up and ignoring their parents. What happened to the time that kids use to say “yes sir”, “no sir”, “yes mam”, “no mam”? I do not think kids even learn the most basic manners in today’s society.
I remember my relatives being stern with my brother and I about addressing our elders properly. There were not many times we were disrespectful or did not listen. When that happened, we knew the true meaning of a “whooping”. Ouch! Those hurt, especially when it was a flyswatter, belt or switch. Children today have no idea what punishment truly is.
I hope there are still some parents out that that teach their kids to show respect to adults and others they meet. When we blatantly disregard our manners we not only disrespect those around us, but ourselves as well. Please teach your children to behave appropriately and show politeness and courtesy to everyone the encounter.